B.S. – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ph.D. – University of Chicago
Research Interests: Economic Epidemiology, Bioeconomics
Fred Chen received his BS in economics and mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and his PhD in economics from the University of Chicago. He teaches microeconomics, mathematical economics, and game theory. His current research interests lie mainly in the intersection of economics and population biology.
ECN 205: Intermediate Microeconomics 1
ECN 206: Intermediate Microeconomics 2
ECN 210: Optimization Techniques in Economics
ECN 216: Game Theory
ECN 218: Advanced Topics in Mathematical Economics
Featured Publications
- “Poachers and snobs: Demand for rarity and the effects of anti-poaching policies.” (Forthcoming) Conservation Letters.
- “The economics of vaccination.” (with Toxværd, F.) (2014) Journal of Theoretical Biology 363, 105-117.
- “The economic approach to modeling self-protective behavior in epidemiology”. In P. Manfredi and A. d’Onofrio, eds., Modeling the Interplay Between Human Behavior and the Spread of Infectious Diseases. New York: Springer (2013).
- “Behavioral responses to epidemics in an online experiment: using virtual diseases to study human behavior.” (with Griffith, A., Cottrell, A., and Wong, Y.-L.) (2013) PLOS ONE 8(1), e52814.
- “Public avoidance and epidemics: insights from an economic model.” (with Jiang, M., Rabidoux, S., and Robinson, S.) (2011) Journal of Theoretical Biology 278, 107-119.