If you have received an email claiming to be from me and inviting you to join a research project, please ignore it. It is a scam.
Kirby Hall 209
B.A. – University of Maryland
Ph.D. – University of Pennsylvania
Research Interests: American Economic History, Consensus Among Economists, and Political Economy
See also WFU Expert File Listing
If you have received an email claiming to be from me and inviting you to join a research project, please ignore it. It is a scam.
Robert Whaples graduated from the University of Maryland in 1983 with BA’s in economics and history and earned his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1990. His research deals primarily with the history of American labor markets and consensus among economists.
He is editor of The Independent Review and former book review editor for EH.Net (economic history). He is the editor or co-editor of several recent books including, Future: Economic Peril or Prosperity? (2016), Pope Francis and the Caring Society (2017), In All Fairness: Liberty, Equality, and the Quest for Human Dignity (2019), Is Social Justice Just? (2023) and Underappreciated Economists (forthcoming). His research has been published in the Journal of Economic History, Southern Economic Journal, Economic Inquiry, Contemporary Economic Policy, and other journals.
He regularly teaches Introduction to Economics, History of Economics, and Current Economic Issues.
He is the coach of the Wake Forest Quiz Bowl Team. He and his wife, Regina, are the proud parents of five – three of whom are Wake Forest graduates.
Econ 150: Introduction to Economics
Econ 262: History of Economics
Econ 270: Current Economic Issues
Featured Publications
- Future Economic Peril or Prosperity
- The Routledge Handbook of Modern Economic History
- Routledge Handbook of Major Events in Economic History
- Where Do the PoorestAmericans Stand in the Income Distribution among All People Ever Born?
- Were Andrew Jackson’s Policies “Good for the Economy”?
- Skeptical Thoughts on a Taxpayer-Funded Basic Income Guarantee