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Spring 2025

Friday, February 28th @ 3:30 pmKirby 103Andrew Dustan
College of William & Mary
“Public-private partnerships in education: Experimental evidence from Colombia”
Wednesday, March 5th @ 3:30 pmKirby 103Enghin Atalay,
Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia
Friday, March 28th @ 3:30 pmKirby 103Ana Herrera,
University of Kentucky
Friday, April 4th @ 3:30 pmKirby 103Michael Dinerstein,
Duke University
 “Student Loan Forgiveness”
Tuesday, April 8th @ 3:30 pmKirby 121Francesco Bianchi,
John Hopkins University
Smooth Diagnostic Expectations
 with Cosmin Ilut and Hikaru Saijo
Friday, April 11th @ 3:30 pm
Jr. Faculty Workshop
Kirby 104Paulo Lins, Clemson UniversityTBA
Wednesday, April 16th @ 3:30 pm
Jr. Faculty Workshop
Kirby 103Zhenxuan Wang NC State UniversityTBA
Wednesday, April 23rd @ 3:30 pm
Jr. Faculty Workshop
Kirby 103Hannah Postel
Duke University

Fall 2024

Wednesday, August 28th @ 3:30 pm
Jr. Faculty Workshop
Kirby 103Marlon Azinovic, UNC Chapel HillIntergenerational Consequences of Rare Disasters
Wednesday, September 18th @ 3:30 pm
Jr. Faculty Workshop
Kirby 103Alexander Marsh,
UNC Chapel Hill
“Revenue Management with Reallocation.”
Monday, September 23rd @ 3:00 pmKirby 103Camelia Minoiu, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta“Bank financing of global supply chains”
Friday, October 11th @ 3:00 pmKirby 103Tamara Sheldon,
Darla Moore School of Business
 “Wildfires, Smoke Pollution, and Household Purchasing Behaviors”
Wednesday, October 16th @ 3:30 pm
Jr. Faculty Workshop
Kirby 103Khushboo Thakkar
UNC Chapel Hill
“The Macroeconomic Consequences of Government Spending (Re)Allocation”
Friday, November 1st @ 3:00 pmKirby 104Dirk Krueger,
University of Pennsylvania
“Shaping Inequality and Intergenerational Persistence Across Generations: Free College or Better Schools?”
Thursday, November 7th @ 4 pmGreene 145Paul Ferraro,
John Hopkins
“Alleviating Poverty without Endangering Biodiversity and Ecosystems”
Wednesday, November 13th @ 3:30 pm
Jr. Faculty Workshop
Kirby 103Daniel Soques, UNC Wilmington“Perfect Recession Predictors” 
Wednesday, November 20th
@ 3:30 pm
Kirby 103Santiago Perez,
UC Davis
“The G.I. Bill, Standardized Testing, and Socioeconomic Origins of the U.S. Educational Elite Over a Century”

Spring 2024

Friday, April 5th
@ 3:00 pm
Kirby B02John Haltiwanger
University of Maryland
“Whither Technological Innovation, Business Dynamism and Productivity”
Friday, April 12th
@ 3:00 pm
Kirby 103Matthias Kehrig
Duke Unviversity
“Within-firm and between-firm job flows and productivity” 
Wednesday, April 17th @ 3:30 pmKirby 103Michael Owyang
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 
Friday, April 26th @ 3:00 pmKirby 104Ariell Zimran
 Vanderbilt University

Fall 2023

Friday, September 15th
@ noon
Junior Faculty Workshop
Kirby 103Brian Marein
Wake Forest University
“Narrow paths out of poverty and educational demand: Evidence from the Dominican baseball”
Friday, September 22nd
@ 3:00 pm
Kirby 103Imke Reimers
Cornell University
“A Framework for Detection, Measurement, and Welfare Analysis of Platform Bias”
Friday, September 29th
@ 3:00 pm
Kirby 103Jonathan Williams
University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill
“Steering Incentives of Gatekeepers in the Telecommunications Industry”
Friday, October 6th @ 11 am
Junior Faculty Workshop
Manchester 121Aeimit Lakdawala
Wake Forest University
“Partisan Bias in Professional Macroeconomics Forecasts”
Friday, October 20th @ 12 pm
Junior Faculty Workshop
Kirby 103Leah Lakdawala Wake Forest University “Frosty Climate, Icy Relationships: Frosts and Intimate Partner Violence in Peru
Friday, November 10th @ 12 pm Junior Faculty WorkshopKirby 103Aeimit Lakdawala and Andre Mouton Wake Forest University“Partisan Bias in Professional Macroeconomic Forecasts” and “What Drives West German Wage Sorting?” 
Monday, November 13th
@ 3:15 pm
Kirby 103Kurt Lunsford
Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland
Business Cycles and Low-Frequency Fluctuations in the US Unemployment Rate ( 
Friday, December 1st
@ 3:00 pm
Kirby 103Adrienne Lucas
University of Delaware
 “Learning Beyond School: Another Chance for Out of School Adolescent Girls in Pakistan”

Spring 2023

March 15th
@ 3:30 pm
Kirby 103Ezgi Cengiz
NC State
“Is Traditional Advertising Effective?
New Evidence from
Mass-produced Lager Beer in the U.S.”
April 7th
@ 3:30 pm
Kirby 103
Paul Gaggl
UNC Charlotte
“Structural Change in Production Networks and Economic Growth”
April 14th
@ 2:00 pm
Kirby 102Marie Hull
UNC Greensboro
“Public Insurance Coverage and Child Development: Evidence from Medicaid and CHIP Expansions”
April 19th
@ 3:30 pm
Kirby 103Noémie Pinardon-Touati 
Columbia University
“The Crowding Out Effect of Local Government Debt: Micro-and Macro-Estimates.”
April 24th
@ 3:30 pm
Kirby 103Kevin Roberts
Duke University
“Firm Pay Policy and the Personal Labor Market Experiences of Business Owners”

Fall 2022

August 31st
3:30 p.m.
Kirby 103Aeimit Lakdawala
Wake Forest University
“Partisan Bias in Professional Macroeconomic Forecasts”
September 7
3:30 p.m.
Derek Lemoine 
University of Arizona
“Informationally Efficient Climate Policy: Designing Markets to Measure and Price Externalities”
September 12
3:30 p.m.
Kirby B02Gary A. Hoover
Tulane University
“Plagiarism in the Social Sciences”
September 20
3:15 p.m.
Manchester 229Viral Acharya
New York University
“Liquidity Dependence: Why Shrinking Central Bank Balance Sheets is an Uphill Task
September 28
3:30 p.m.
Kirby 103André Mouton
Wake Forest University
“Partial Job Automation”
October 3
4 p.m.
Kirby 103Maria-Jose Carreras-Valle
Purdue University
“Increasing Inventories:  The Role of Delivery Times”
October 12
3:30 p.m.
Kirby 103Andreea Rotarescu
Wake Forest University
“Estimating Dynamic Spillover Effects along Multiple Networks in a Linear Panel Model”
November 9
3:30 p.m.
Kirby 103Laura Castillo-Martinez
Duke University
“Firm Exit and Financial Frictions”
November 16
3:30 p.m.
Kirby 103Leah Lakdawala and
Alex Yu
Wake Forest University
“Extreme Cold and Political Trust: Evidence from the Peruvian Highlands” and
“Identifying Chronic Traffic-related Air Pollution’s Causal Effects on COVID-19 Outcomes: Beware Correlation Between Demographics and Local Air Quality”.
November 30
3:30 p.m.
Kirby 103Daisoon Kim
NC State University
“Aggregate Fluctuations from Clustered Micro Shocks”

Spring 2022

April 11
10 a.m. EST
VirtualLuis Aguiar
 University of Zurich
“Digitization and the Gender Gap in Product Ratings: Evidence from the Movies”

Fall 2021

September 22
3:30 p.m.
Kirby B02Robyn Meeks
 Duke University
“Smart Meters and the Benefits from Electricity Quality Improvements”
September 27
3:30 p.m.
Kirby B02Peter Arcidiacono 
Duke University
“Equilibrium Grade Inflation with Implications for Female Interest in STEM Majors”
October 5
11 a.m.
VirtualAlessandro Tarozzi 
Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Barcelona GSE
“The Rise and Fall of SES Gradients in Heights around the World”
November 29
3:30 p.m.
Kirby B02Francis Wong
 UC Berkeley/NBER
“Racial Disparities in Housing Returns”

Spring 2021

February 8
10 a.m.
VirtualChristian Peukert 
University of Lausanne
“Digitization and Market Efficiency: Evidence from Bookpublishing Deals”
February 23
3:30 p.m.
VirtualTatyana Deryugina 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“Pollution and Mortality in the United States: Evidence from 1972-1988”
March 17
3:30 p.m.
VirtualPaul Rhode 
University of Michigan
“Slave Productivity in Cotton Picking” with Alan Olmstead
March 31
3:30 p.m.
VirtualCeleste Carruthers 
University of Tennesee-Knoxville
““Free College” Promises, High School Achievement, and College Enrollment” with Jonathon Attridge
April 28
3:30 p.m.
VirtualAnusha Chari 
UNC-Chapel Hill
“Capital Flows in Risky Times: Risk-on/Risk-off and Emerging Market Tail Risk”