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College Fed Challenge Team

This can also be a 1.5 credit hour course, ECN 292 in the fall, or a 1.5 credit hour course, ECN 291 in the spring.  Students can take either course or both of them (in any order).  Both the courses will involve learning about monetary policy together with preparing students to compete in the annual College Fed Challenge competition. The courses involve a mix of lectures by the instructor with student led discussions of the state of macroeconomy, with a particular focus on monetary policy. For the competition, which takes place in the Fall, students will give a presentation displaying their knowledge of the current state of the economy and advocating the policy actions that they think should be taken by the Federal Open Market Committee.  The class is taken pass/fail only with the permission of the instructor and there is an “info session” held on the first day of class every semester. 

Faculty Contact: Dr. Aeimit Lakdawala –

Everyday Econ Club

Student Contact: Issa Pryor –

Faculty Contact: Dr. Todd McFall –

WFU Sports Analytics

The Wake Forest Sports Analytics Club strives to research the economic, strategic, and social impact of sports. We are a group of dedicated undergraduate students that investigate data and evidence to evaluate a wide range of topics in sports. 

Organization website:

Student Contact: TBD

Faculty Contact: Dr. Todd McFall –

Women in Economics

The Women in Economics Club works to increase the representation of women in Economics.  Group meetings include career-oriented events, forums on how to use the degree most efficiently, talks with WFU alums, and current Wake Forest faculty.  There is also peer mentoring available for lower-division students interested in Economics.

Student Contact: Mia Annunziata, President –, Ana Bilbao, Vice President –

Faculty Contact: Dr. Megan Regan –