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Undergraduate student TAs will work closely with students in their assigned classes during TA office hours to help students to better understand the material.  This is a great opportunity for students to serve as mentors within the major.  Students must have completed the course for which they wish to serve as a TA before starting the position.  Each TA will be expected to work a maximum of 4 hours per week.  It is also strongly encouraged that if the student did not take the course they are TAing with the instructor they are assigned to, they will attend class (this will not count towards the 4 hours of paid work a week). Preference will be given to economics majors and minors in the TA selection process. Pay is $10 an hour.

Applications go out twice a year in the fall for the spring semester and in the spring for the following fall semester. The link to the application.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact the TA director (Dr. Tina Marsh Dalton