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Undergraduate Research Opportunities

At Wake Forest, we encourage our undergraduate majors to pursue research opportunities through our department. Undertaking economics research most often requires technical data and coding skills. We strongly encourage those interested in any of the research opportunities below to take econometrics (ECN 209/215), Introduction to Research (Currently listed as ECN 372), and other coding courses as soon as possible.  Our faculty often hire research assistants and students with these technical skills are in especially high demand.

Ways to Engage in Research

  1. Research Assistant – Many of our faculty employ Research Assistants during the year to assist in their research projects. Students are strongly encouraged to apply here for these positions. APPLY HERE! Working as a research assistant provides you a great introduction to research and allows you to develop your own ideas that can be further pursued in the Honors Thesis Course and URECA Summer Fellowship described below. Many, but not all, Research Assistant positions require students to have taken ECN 209 or 215, and give preference to students with additional coding and data courses.
  2. Honors Thesis Course (ECN 398 / 399) – During your Senior year, eligible students wishing to perform their own research project can enroll in the Honors Research Courses. During this time you work closely with a professor to design and implement your own research project. Culminating in a paper and presentation at the end of the year. Students are encouraged to work with faculty whose interests align with their own.  
  3. URECA Summer Fellowship – Students can apply to perform research over the summer with a faculty member. Faculty members must approve of the research plan and agree to serve as an advisor before the application can be sent to URECA. If approved, the student will receive funding to partially cover living expenses and research costs during the summer. For additional information, please visit – The URECA Center website and note the Richter Scholarship opportunities.

How to Build Research Skills

Potential path of study for students wishing to pursue research

I want to Get Involved in Research but haven’t taken ECN209/215

See these examples of WFU Faculty Research in Economics

Fred Chen – Economic Epidemiology

Christina Dalton – Health Economics  

John Dalton – Macroeconomics / Trade

Amanda Griffith  – Education Economics

Aeimit K. Lakdawala – Macroeconomics

Leah Lakdawala – Development Economics

Tommy Leung – Digital Economy

Koleman Strumpf – Political Economics

Alex Yu – Environmental Economics

Please fill out this Google Form to apply to be a research assistant. 

*** Please note that successful completion of either or both Applied Econometrics and/or Advanced Research methods is highly recommended to become an Economics Research Assistant (RA) ***

For additional information, contact Professor Brian Marein